Info Aktual. Prabowo Subianto is a serious contender in the next general election
held in 17 April 2019. Only do some people realize that Prabowo has such
a wide and deep concepts how to create a prosper country for Indonesia.
The concept from Prabowo is known as Prabowonomics.
What is Prabowonomics actually?
to Prabowo that there are three fundamental aspects needed to be
implemented in order to create prosperity in Indonesia;
we need to attain national consciousness that agriculture will determine
the prosperity the whole nation. The majority of laboring activities in
Indonesia concentrates in agricultural sectors.
Unfortunately, the
benefits of agricultural sectors are only enjoyed by small amount of
landowners and big capitalists. The policy applied by government is not
the side of yeoman. As the result the disparity of income between yeoman
and landowners is very huge. At the end, the productivity per hectare
in agricultural sectors gradually decreased significantly year by year.
to solve this fundamental problem? Prabowo has offered solution that
the government needs to apply policies that siding in yeoman. The
government needs to make sure that yeoman need to have their own lands
in order to be cultivated productively. They need to enjoy the fruits of
their own labor. If the government is doing so, it will guarantee that
the productivity of agricultural sector will increase along with the
surplus of their income.
Secondly, the surplus income resulted
from the increase in agricultural productivity needs to be used to
develop industries that intended to be exported. It will support the
strong currency of rupiah since global market buys the national products
of Indonesia. The economic activities turn to be stronger because of
added values from export activities.
Thirdly, government needs to
be more actively in developing the two sectors which are agricultural
sectors and export oriented sectors. The yeoman will be the backbones of
agricultural sectors, meanwhile export oriented sectors will be
supported by state owned companies or BUMN and national companies. And
also banking sector needs to be controlled tightly by policy of
Controlling banking sector need to be done in order to make
banks are moving according to the policy of government in terms of
short, middle, and long term goals. The government needs to make sure
those yeoman, state owned companies, and national companies need to have
access in national banking system. Not like nowadays only big
capitalists do have the access to the banking system. More
than a decade Prabowo has given speeches in many campuses and villages
to apply “big push economy” and known as “Prabowonomics”. It is an
economic development strategy that is controlling the upper course
economic activities which is agricultural sectors and upper course
economic activities as well. The capital injections needs to be given
directly the farmers in the villages or let say that every village will
have what so called village owned company or BUMDES.
Those villages
owned companies will be supported by state owned companies in
processing, packaging, distributing, and selling the agricultural
products. If Indonesia applies big push economy or Prabowonomics in
economic sectors, at the end the autonomy in agriculture and energy will
be attained. In addition, the big push strategy will create huge
opportunities in any kinds of national industries such as national car,
national airplane, national motorcycle, national computer, national
television, and many others to be enjoyed by 265 million people of
Indonesia. Sadly, the economy of Indonesia is full of imported goods
from everywhere.
Dear readers, do you agree that Prabowonomics can bring solution for our economic problems?
Info Aktual . “Peradaban manusia adalah kumpulan sejarah peradaban yang keras. Yang lemah akan selalu dikalahkan oleh yang kuat. Sehingga tidak ada harapan untuk bangsa yang lemah karena akan kehilangan masa depan,” tegas Prabowo dalam diskusi bertema kepemimpinan yang disiarkan lewat siaran langsung di kanal DIGDAYA TV. Pemikiran ini berasal dari adagium Thucydides yang dipelajari di semua sekolah militer di dunia: “The strong will do what they can, the weak suffer what they must”. Yang kuat akan melakukan yang mereka bisa dan yang lemah akan menderita sebisanya. “Mengelola negara itu seperti mengelola keluarga. Tidak mungkin sebuah keluarga bisa bertahan dengan hutang. Apalagi jika hutangnya ditujukan untuk kegiatan yang bersifat konsumtif. Begitu juga halnya dengan negara, tidak akan mampu bertahan jika hanya mengandalkan hutang,” ucap Prabowo. “Oleh karena itu Indonesia harus kuat terutama dalam kemampuan ekonomi agar bisa melakukan apapun yang diinginkan seba...
Info Aktual . Aktifitas bakal capres Prabowo Subianto saat mengunjungi pengungsi di Lombok, NTT, Rabu (5/9/2018), jadi perbincangan di media sosial. Betapa tidak, Ketua Umum Gerindra ke Lombok tak sendirian. Melainkan bersama mantan istrinya, Titiek Soeharto. Sandiaga Uno, pendamping Prabowo di Pilpres 2019 itu, merasa senang melihat kebersamaan Prabowo dan Titiek. “Saya komennya berdua ke Lombok cie cie cie,” ujar Sandiaga di Kawasan Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, Rabu (5/9/2018). Diketahui melalui akun Instagram, Prabowo mengunggah foto saat sedang berada di sebuah tenda pengungsian. “Silaturahmi korban gempa di Desa Guntur Macan, Lombok Barat,” tulis Prabowo dikutip dari Instagramnya, @prabowo, Rabu (5/9/2018). Saat itu Prabowo tampak sedang berdiri di tengah tenda dikelilingi oleh para warga setempat. Ia mengenakan atasan putih, celana cokelat, dan peci hitam. Prabowo tidak sendiri. Titiek Soeharto turut mendampinginya. Putri Presiden kedua RI Soeharto itu mengung...
Kanal Utama . “There is no bad soldier, only bad commander,” said Prabowo in a discussion in DIGDAYA TV through Facebook channel. It means that subordinated don’t do mistakes, however, there is a commander who mistakenly lead his subordinates to make mistakes. “To be a leader is not an easy one. When I was in military, I am the lucky person who is led by good commander who always gives good examples”. Prabowo remembers those old days. It was in 1978 when my rank is first lieutenant. I was given a duty to lead a company so called KOPASSANDHA (KOMANDO PASUKAN SANDHI YUDHA) the old name of special force in the army of Indonesia or KOPASSUS. It is an honorable duty for me since I was the youngest and pointed to lead the troop and heading to Timor Timur or Timor Leste. “One of my commanders was Pak Wismoyo Arismunandar. He was a lieutenant colonel. In one occasion before heading to Timor Timur, he asked to meet him. When we met each other ...
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